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Youth Packer Giveaways, Trans as fashion and the Corporate Colonization of Human Sex

Writer: Jennifer BilekJennifer Bilek

Updated: Oct 16, 2022

As the rise in young women identifying as men soar in western cultures, young women are binding their breasts, having elective breast amputations and skin grafts to create fake penises, while ingesting synthetic hormones which mimic male hormones. This is being celebrated by Hollywood and the media as progressive.

Abigail Shrier, in her new book, Irreversible Damage/The Transgender Craze Seducing our Daughters, reports some startling statistics. “Between 2016 and 2017, the number of gender surgeries for natal females in the United States quadrupled, with biological women suddenly accounting for—as we have seen—70 percent of all gender surgeries. In 2018, the UK reported a 4,400 percent rise over the previous decade in teenage girls seeking gender treatments.”

This month’s issue of Sports Illustrated celebrates the normalization of body dissociation – which at its core is what the modern, corporate trans movement is all about – with a man striking a sexually objectifying pose on its cover. He is clad in a bathing suit and is hailed as the first “transwoman” to be shown on the cover. As Sports Illustrated is meant to appeal to the sexual appetite of the average American heterosexual male, they are selling men on the idea that men can be women. This is an ad campaign for dissociation from biological sex.

Hollywood has been glamorizing trans since it hit the culture running in 2015, with former Olympian Bruce Jenner posing plumped and carved in a corset on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine, exemplifying the male fetishization of females. The accolades could be heard from one end of the country to the other. “Brave,” “beautiful,” “we love you, Caitlyn!”

Whoopi Goldberg directs a “trans” modeling agency, Strut, on Oprah’s Oxygen network.

TomBoyX, Luna Pads, and Thinx corporations have all used the amputations of young women's healthy breasts in their ad campaigns, normalizing body dissociation, and mutilations as self-expression, and self-empowerment, with no criticism in mainstream media.

Transguy Supply is a new company supplying fashion to women who have medically altered their second-sex characteristics to identify as men. They provide binders, stand-up-to-pee devices, packers, “packer gear,” grooming aids, and quippy fashion apparel.

Where will this reverence for, and the glamorization of, the mutilation of young people's sex lead us?

Kids have been watching and getting the message – body dissociation is cool and glamorous.

But it’s not just Hollywood and corporations sending it.

Kids are getting the message from the industries profiting from their mutilated flesh that removing secondary sex characteristics is fashionable. Cosmetic Surgery Partners in the UK, one of the leading specialists in cosmetic surgery, have created top surgery T-shirts for young women voluntarily removing their breasts and attempting to identify out of being female. The shirts have printed scars, where the actual scar tissue would be present on their bodies. When confronted with this on Twitter by people outraged at the normalization of healthy breast removal made into fashion, the company responded that it started as a bit of “fun.”

At our roots as humans, we are a sexually dimorphic species. Changing our biology to manifest some elusive “gender identity” is not self-expression but a deconstruction of what it means to be human. It is not like getting a nose job, or a tattoo, but chemically and surgically deconstructing sex. It is emerging as a profitable industry. MarketWatch, an American media platform tracking the market, predicts by 2026, surgeries attacking healthy human sex characteristics will reach profits of 1.5 billion dollars, with projected growth being 24.5%. Will young women still be the predominant consumers of this savagery?

Behind the façade of this as progress lay the actual disruption of, or the future disruption of, healthy body processes, such as puberty, myriad health complications, the ability to have children, and a life-long attachment to the medical-industrial complex.

It is high time we asked where all this is going.

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