By Dr. P
When we hear the word ‘psychopath’ we have a mental image of a crazed serial killer. We conjure pictures of Peter Sutcliffe or Ted Bundy. These serial killers were certainly psychopaths. But I contend that society is now encountering a new form of psychopathy, namely the Trans-Type Psychopath (TTP) embodied in the MtF transvestite.
Psychopathy also exists more widely amongst ‘Gender Affirming’ doctors and in the increasingly rabid trans ‘allies’. There are also psychopathic FtM transvestites. But their motivations are different from those of the MtF transvestite, which is the focus of this article.
Personality Disorders
Psychopathy is a form of Personality Disorder (PD). PDs are a group of mental disorders that manifest in long-term, fixed patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors which are inconsistent with an individual’s culture. These thoughts and behaviours are unhealthy and inflexible and cause significant difficulties in interpersonal relationships (behaviour towards friends, family, intimate partners) and in the ability to work. PDs tend to be present from birth. They are difficult, if not impossible, to treat.
Definition of Psychopathy
Psychopathy is a PD characterized by (some or all) of the following traits occurring together in the same individual:
1. Impaired empathy and remorse: The inability to understand and share the feelings of others. In humans the capacity for empathy is thought to primarily result from the actions of ‘mirror neurons’ in the brain. These mirror neurons are cells that fire when a person performs an action, or when an observer watches someone else perform an action.
So, if person ‘A’ looks at person ‘B’ crying or laughing, the neurons in A’s brain that govern emotion will also activate, even though A is not experiencing direct stimuli. B’s response is a ‘mirror’ of A’s emotions. We know this from our daily lives. It’s why we cry at sad films and why laughter and yawning can be contagious.
Mirror neurons are the root of the ability to feel empathy. They are essential in making us human (and humane) and in allowing us to socialise and coexist in a broadly harmonious state. (It is hypothesized that a dysregulation in the mirror neuron system is responsible for Autistic Spectrum Disorder).
2. Boldness: Characterized by a fearless, assertive and socially dominant interpersonal style. This is associated with venturesomeness, thrill-seeking and low stress reactivity.
3. Disinhibition: A general tendency towards impulsive behavior, irresponsibility and a disinclination to regulate one’s actions and emotions.
4. Egocentrism: A focus on one’s own thoughts and experiences; being unable to take other people’s perspectives; not considering other people’s feelings.
5. Superficial charm: Being likable, having good conversational skills, amusing and entertaining, being good at lying.
6. Immunity to stress: Fearlessness and a higher tolerance to stress.
Psychopaths are all around us and their traits can either be channelled positively or negatively. They can be CEOs, lawyers, surgeons and media personalities. Or they can be criminals or even simply people who consistently make others’ lives a misery (eg the hated boss who bullies and humiliates their staff, the controlling intimate partner).
The Trans-Type Psychopath (TTP)
We now, however, have a new manifestation of psychopathy which I call the Trans-Type Psychopath (TTP).
I contend that most of today’s ‘TW’ are TTPs.
Previously, if a man wanted a ‘sex-change’ there was a lengthy period of psychological and psychiatric evaluation and behavioral modification. This lasted at least two years and the sex-change operation could only be conducted after a comprehensive evaluation often involving psychiatry, psychology, social work and medicine. It was rightly recognized that embarking on something so significant as ‘changing’ one’s sex was a profoundly consequential act. This evaluation process helped to weed out people with mental illnesses and with personality disorders including psychopathy. This was the ‘gatekeeping’ now so reviled by TRAs.
However, we have now removed this gatekeeping process. Any man can ‘self-identify’ into being a ‘TW’ and nobody is permitted to challenge him.
How ‘TW’ display psychopathy
Impaired empathy and remorse: ‘TW’ do not consider the impact of their behaviors on others. They assert their ‘right’ to invade all aspects of women’s lives. From sports, to toilets, to breastfeeding and stillbirth groups. It matters not that their presence is causing disruption, discomfort, fear and anger. The mirror neurons that would normally trigger empathy are either absent or dysfunctional. The ‘TW’ therefore does not experience the negative emotions their presence is causing to others. They are incapable of feeling empathy.
Boldness: These men’s low response to stress means they are not inhibited by fear (at least, not of women). They go anywhere and do anything they please. We have seen this recently with a group of ‘TW’ filming themselves dancing in the female toilets in the House of Congress. They are enraged at Rep Nancy Mace’s Bill which would (officially) bar them from the female toilets.
But this pathological boldness is not only shown by their transgression into female spaces. It is shown in their aggressive response to what they perceive as any attack on ‘Trans Rights’. This is why academic meetings are shut down; it is why ‘GC’ women are chased and hounded in the street; it is why women now need police protection to discuss their rights; it is why Kellie Jay Keane had soup thrown over her and why JK Rowling and has had thousands of death and rape threats. It is why any woman who challenges these men does so at the risk of her livelihood and safety of herself and her family.
Sadism: I add this as a new specific trait in my definition of psychopathy as it relates to ‘TW’. I believe many transvestite men have a profound hatred of women (probably a result of disordered primary attachments). As such, they are motivated by sadistic urges to ‘punish’ any woman who will not meet their psychological ‘needs’ (i.e. to be accepted as female). Why else would a ‘TW’ insert himself into a group for mothers grieving a stillbirth, or film themselves carrying out sex acts in women’s toilets or threaten ‘Terfs’ whilst carrying knives and guns?
Disinhibition/Immunity to stress: This is a classic manifestation of TTP. We see this most typically in the increasingly common ‘bathroom selfies’, where ‘TW’ post online videos of themselves masturbating in women’s toilets, often in the full sight of women. We see this in the ‘TW’ who shaved in a @PlanetFitness ladies’ toilet, or the ‘TW’ who walked around naked in @WiSpa_USA in Los Angeles.
As well as these more extreme examples, this trait is on show every time a ‘TW’ leaves the house dressed in female clothing. Most of us would be too inhibited to appear in public dressed in a way that so wholly flouts the norms of our culture. Test yourself: If you are white, would you wear an afro wig? Would you wear a sari or a thobe, or say, traditional African clothing? Would you black up? The answer is likely to be “no”, (and if “yes” would you not feel even a slightly bit self-conscious?). Your stress hormones would be activated. You would sweat, you would feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. Other people’s feelings and reactions would matter to you. But in the TTP none of these neurobiological or behavioral reactions occur. They don’t even break a sweat. Their disinhibition renders them uncaring and indifferent to the feelings and reactions of others.
Egocentrism: To the TTP the only thing that matters is the fulfillment of his own ego-drives. This is why they typically break social boundaries and insert themselves into women’s spaces. It also explains why the Autogynephile will demand their wives and children now accept them as ‘female’. They are quite happy to force their children to call them ‘Mum’ and to destroy marriages by insisting they have changed sex. This thinking also allows men to ‘chest-feed’ their children and even their grandchildren.
The TTP is living in his own universe. He is the star around which everything orbits. Literally nothing and nobody else is of any consequence to him.
Trans-Type Psychopath Typology
I have so far, identified three types of TTP:
Type 1 – Passing Oriented
The goal is to ‘pass’ as a woman and to be allowed entry to all women’s spaces and activities.
The defining feature of a ‘Type 1’ TTP is that they will have undergone genital surgery. They are, at least, committed!
Type 2 – Violence Oriented
Crossdressing/transvestitism is inextricably linked to violence, typically against women and girls. This person is aroused by dressing as a woman and by committing violent acts when thus attired.
They have typically not undergone any surgery or hormonal intervention.
Type 3 – Opportunistic
Transvestite identity is assumed to obtain a secondary goal.
They may (or may not) take hormones. They may or may not wear female clothing. They have typically not undergone genital surgery.
(a) Sports: Entering women’s sports to achieve recognition, money and scholarships.
(b) Criminal: Rapid Onset Prison Dysphoria (ROPD) is assumed in order to be moved to or be placed in a female prison. Example of ROPD include Scottish serial rapist Adam Bryson (whose own mother has said, “no wigs, dresses or make-up can make my son female”).
(c) Entertainment/Arts: Assuming a female identity to increase one’s public profile in the Arts.
(d) Social: Assuming a female identity to attain social standing/kudos/acceptance into an instant ‘community’ (eg teachers, activists)
(e) Political/Legal: Assuming a female identity to shape the law towards greater ‘acceptance’ of gender ideology. For example, in the US, Tim McBride who before he reached Congress was instrumental in helping pass a raft of ‘trans-friendly’ Bills in his home State of Delaware, and in the UK, Robin ‘Moira’ White who has had a bizarre and cruel influence on the criminal justice system. It is because of Mr White that women must now call their rapists ‘she’ and refer to their attackers’ ‘female penis’.
(f) Medical/Professions Allied to Medicine - PAMs. Assuming a female identity to lure/push people (particularly children and young adults) into receiving GAC, either by surgical intervention and/or by talking therapy.
(g) Uniformed/Uniformed Services: Assuming a female identity to gain advancement, attention and power over women who may be in a subordinate/weaker position, physically or mentally unwell, or otherwise impaired. Eg the military, police officers, prison wardens, nurses, paramedics.
(h) Academic: Assuming a female identity to advance in academia and to promote gender ideology through colleges and universities.
(i) Voyeurism/Sexual Gratification: Assuming a female identity solely to gain entry to female toilets, changing rooms, showers, hospital wards or any situation where women are unclothed and/or physically vulnerable.
There are thousands of such opportunistic men who have invaded every walk of society. They are actors, sportsmen, models and politicians and even the non-violent ones are profoundly dangerous. Because, as the frighteningly intuitive and prescient Jennifer Bilek says, these men are now not only speaking for women. They are speaking as women.
Recognizing the danger and the speed of the takeover
Gender ideology tells us the ‘TW’ is a tortured soul whose ‘female’ soul/brain has been inexplicably trapped in a male body. The ‘TW’ we are told, is experiencing unbearable mental anguish and will kill themselves if they are not allowed to ‘transition’ or to use women’s toilets. They merely want to be their ‘authentic’ selves. And, to avoid the threat of suicide, they must be allowed to assert their ‘female’ identity, no matter the cost to anyone else.
Most people are bemused by the speed at which ‘trans’ people have gained so much influence and how they have managed to systematically supplant or even demolish hard-fought women’s rights. We find ourselves in this situation partly because almost nobody understood the real nature of people who subscribe to this ideology.
In the names of ‘inclusivity’ and ‘diversity’ we have catastrophically emboldened a certain type of psychopathic men. Men with not a shred of empathy have been handed the freedom to behave in egregious ways simply because they claim a ‘trans’ identity.
And it is not because these men suffer from ‘Gender Dysphoria’ because ‘GD’ is a false construct.
Instead psychopaths have latched onto ‘gender’ as a way of either furthering their influence, making money, avoiding the consequences of their actions and/or gaining access to vulnerable people, particularly women and children.
Take for example the case of men using women’s changing rooms, as allowed by many big stores, such as @marksandspencer.
A normally functioning man would be too embarrassed to use women’s facilities. He would also be aware that his presence will cause distress to women and girls. He will therefore self exclude. The TTP by contrast, knows he is causing discomfort but because he has no empathy he doesn’t care. And because he is bold, disinhibited and has low emotional reactivity he does not experience emotional or physiological discomfort from his behavior. In fact, because he has sadistic tendencies, he may actually enjoy the discomfort his presence is causing to women and girls.
As such, the ONLY people who will routinely make use of ‘gender neutral’ changing rooms or toilets or any such facility are those with psychopathic tendencies. Normal, psychologically and emotionally healthy men will self-exclude. In a warped excuse for ‘kindness’ and ‘equality’, women and girls are thus being herded straight into the path of this most dangerous subset of men.
The same arguments pertain to putting transvestite men into women’s prisons; to allowing them strip-search women and to giving them unfettered access to women’s centers and rape crisis shelters. The common factor to any previously sex-segregated setting or situation that now allows the presence of ‘TW’ is that only the worst, most dangerous, most selfish and least empathetic men will take advantage of this access.
Psychologically normal men will simply not engage in these actions.
Understanding the enemy
‘TW’ are not merely “mentally ill”, as, say, is someone with severe clinical depression, or OCD or even Body Dysmorphia. Such mental illnesses can, with the right intervention be treated and, in any event, most mentally ill people pose a higher risk to themselves than to others. Not so with ‘TW’. They and their supporters big and small, corporate and political, are seeking to ‘terraform’ Western societies (as their starting point) into places where biological differences between male and female are no longer recognized in law or in practice.
The pushback
As the demands of ‘TW’ and their TRA allies become ever more strident and irrational we are though slowly beginning to realize that being “kind” and “inclusive” is not the right approach. It is dawning on many that the more we concede the more is demanded of us. Thus support for ‘LGBTQIA+’ issues has plummeted; men and boys’ presence in women’s sports is being challenged; ‘Gender Affirming’ care is steadily being outlawed in many States in America, and the use of Puberty Blockers has been argued before the US Supreme Court. See my article here on puberty blockers here.
And, wonderfully, because of the redoubtable Rep Nancy Mace, Tim McBride (a transvestite man) has been banished from the women’s toilets in the US House of Congress. Rep Mace is now extending this with the ‘Stop the Invasion of Women’s Spaces Act’.
True Trans?
But, in response to growing public alienation and backlash to trans excesses we now see the emergence of the so-called ‘reasonable’ transvestite or ‘True Trans’. This person purports to acknowledge that trans activism has gone too far and is now advocating for the equivalent of a negotiated settlement between the ‘trans community’ and everyone else, including Terfs (like myself). The ‘True Trans’ advocates for ‘compromise’ and an accommodation of ‘real’ transvestites whom we should accept in our minds as women.
I say no.
I say there are no ‘True Trans’.
Compromise, in this context, is just another word for invasion and domination.
These gestures being made by the ‘True Trans’ are merely expressions of the superficial charm and likability of the psychopath. Those advocating for compromise between ‘TW’ and the rest of society are not doing so out of the sudden onset of empathy or a decrease in their egocentricity or narcissism. They are merely looking for a way to get what they want. And in the manner of the true psychopath if needs be, they will throw their less articulate, more violent and less sympathetic ‘trans sisters’ under the bus in order to get this.
The modern ‘TW’ is a new breed of psychopath. They are governed by an overwhelming desire to have their egocentric and narcissistic ‘needs’ met. They lack empathy and have no consideration for the feelings of others. They will destroy any institution, erode any norms and raze any opposition. Their capacity to cause damage is far, far greater than that of even the most prolific serial killer.
We must understand our enemy and be aware of the true meaning of their language. TTPs will scorch the earth in order to get full legal and social acceptance as ‘biological women’.
We should all be more like Adam Bryson’s sensible Scottish mother and accept the true risk these ‘TW’ pose to society.
*On terminology:
I abbreviate ‘TW’ because I consider the term to be a slur. I will not write it out in full.
I use ‘TW’ and ‘transvestite’ interchangeably.
Dr P is a 30-year qualified chartered clinical psychologist based in the UK. She is also a certified expert witness and autism assessor. Her work can be found on X @Psychgirl211, and her substack platform, Pamela’s substack .
Author and Journalist, Jennifer Bilek, has been researching the money and power behind the gender industry for over a decade. Her work can be found in myriad publications, on this blog, on X, Gettr , LinkedIn, Spinster.xyz, at this Substack, and in her new book: Transsexual Transgender Transhuman/Dispatches from the 11th Hour.
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