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Writer's pictureJennifer Bilek

The Gender Identity Industry: What We’re Up Against

Updated: Oct 16, 2022

In September, Tampax corporation rolled out an advertisement for their menstrual products attempting to be what they call “inclusive” of all people, which erased females from their ads (both in language and visually). The ad garnered nearly 17,000 likes and 25,000 comments.

This language obfuscation is part and parcel of the burgeoning gender identity industry which seeks to obliterate sexual dimorphism from language. Purportedly this is to make people who think they are or wish to present themselves as, the opposite sex, comfortable. These individuals make up approx. .06% of the population. It’s really interesting that Tampax doesn’t mind making women, who make up more than 50% of the population, and 100% of their consumer base, uncomfortable. Many of the 25,000 comments under the initial ad were by women furious at their erasure and the dehumanizing language used to describe them. Several suggested it was time to boycott Tampax. Why doesn’t women’s fury at the erasure of their physicality from ads about products made for their specific biology and calling them menstruators and bleeders, bother Tampax?

What Is Happening Here?

What is happening here, is the promotion of the violation of the sex boundary, between human males and females, by Big Pharma and Big Tech, in an effort to commoditize sex. We as a species are more profitable as parts than we are as whole sexed beings. Think eggs, sperm, transplantable wombs, vaginas for men, penises for women, synthetic breast milk, and more importantly our DNA. Once the boundary of male/female sex is violated and normalized through the ideology of gender identity, the doors swing open for changing human biology in extraordinary ways.

Just ask Jennifer Anne Doudna, a pioneering American biochemist who has played a key role in the developments of the gene-editing process called CRISPR, for which she won a Nobel Prize (with her colleague) in chemistry this year. In the movie, Human Nature, delving into the genetic manipulation of humans and her part in these experiments, she describes having a dream, after she’d made the significant discovery known as CRISPR, whereby someone important wants to see her to learn more about her discovery. In the dream, as she describes it, she is led into an office, where she sees a man, sitting in a chair with his back facing toward her. As he turns slowly, he asks her to tell her about her amazing experiments. As he turns to face her, she realizes it is Hitler. She tells us how the dream impacted her for days afterward making her very uncomfortable, forcing her to wonder what she had done by breaking our genetic coding.

In 1997, five years after he drafted the Transexual and Transgender Health Law Bills, initiating legal status for what would become medical identities based on disembodiment from biological sex, Martine Rothblatt, the founding father of the transgender empire, an avowed transsexual and transhumanist, published Unzipped Genes, a thesis documenting the ethics of new reproductive technologies, genetic screening and DNA-mapping. Two years earlier, he wrote “From Transgender to Transhuman: A Manifesto on the Freedom of Form.” describing a trajectory taking place in western cultures now, whereby transgenderism becomes the onramp to transhumanism. A year later he had his own sex characteristics surgically altered and now describes himself as transgender and female. In 2016, Rothblatt was the keynote speaker at the Trans History Forward Movement conference at the University of Victoria, British Columbia. The conference was organized by the Chair of Transgender studies, the first-ever position of its kind, which was purchased by another rich male who manipulated his sex characteristics and who is, along with his family, massively invested in the medical-industrial complex. During the conference, Rothblatt suggested that "techno transhumanists" use a similar strategy as "techno transgenders," to secure the rights to “bodily autonomy” and create an organization like WPATH, but for transhumanists.

These advancements to human biology, which will evolve once the violation of sex is normalized, via “transgender” ideology, and laws are changed toward more “bodily autonomy” which is what the “transgender “agenda is striving for, will be a bonanza of profits for the medical-industrial complex and the technology industries.

This is why corporations “care.” This is why governments “care,” and this is why banks “care,” about .06% of the population - because they are anticipating more genetically modified bodies. This is what the “diversity” in the new global, corporate thrust toward “diversity and inclusion,” means. The transformation of humanity is the future and any business that is not on board with the developments will become obsolete. Big Pharma and Tech will see to it, that nothing comes between them and their profit margins.

Boycotting Tampax will not get us very far. Women, their sole customers, are not the future. Genetically modified humans are the future, as are the profits for the medical-industrial complex. Tampax is one brand of many in the powerhouse conglomerate that is P&G (Proctor and Gamble). Already invested in pharmaceuticals, in 2018, P&G completed an acquisition of Merck’s Consumer Health Unit, a health business worth 3.8 billion dollars, marking the companies next steps in a strategic future focus on science and technology.

It will be up to women, and men, who understand what is really happening behind the rainbow flag that is now only a front posing as human rights, to find another way to attack the corporate profiteers attempting to make us the consumed as well as the consumers.

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