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Public Bathrooms and the Rising Political Class of the “Reasonable Transsexual”

Writer's picture: Jennifer BilekJennifer Bilek

The issue of men posing as women needing a place to pee in public institutions, is being renewed with fervor, and the rise of a political class of the “reasonable transsexual” is being fomented in America. Congresswoman, Nancy Mace, apparently hitting “peak tran$,” along with the rest of Americans who voted for a second Trump presidency, has created a media stir over her insistence that two-time Delaware Senator and U.S. Representative elect, Sarah (Tim) McBride must use the men’s bathroom in accordance with his sex, while at work.

Mace is unimpressed with McBride’s "Gender identity." She is not quite at the point of realizing that gender identity is more than a belief system, but she is getting warm.

Gender identity is the colonization of womanhood, specifically women’s capacities to reproduce the species. Gender ideology is the cult doctrine supporting this process of colonization. And, the gender industry is this process at industry scale, selling us all on the reasonableness of men’s colonization of womanhood.

There are no reasonable or good men posing as women. There are no reasonable or good men attempting to claim womanhood for themselves. There are no reasonable or good men wearing simulacrums of women’s anatomy, regardless of what bathroom they are using. Men taking what does not belong to them is not reasonable. These men breaching the barrier of women’s public bathrooms, will be the least of our problems soon enough, because men posing as women are a rising political class. These men are coming for womanhood itself, while getting off on performing our sexual subordination. They are no longer just speaking for us, but speaking as us in the ruling chambers of congress.

When we get to the point where we can understand this process thoroughly, the myth of the “transgender person,” a corporate construct that allows for this colonization of womanhood, will dissipate like morning dew in emerging sunlight, and we can begin to develop strong strategies to end it.

Every man posing as a woman is engaging in a process of colonization, whether they call themselves men, women, girls, transwomen, trans-identified males, or anything else. This process has become a global compulsion, as it is now industrialized. It is no longer reserved for a select group of men walking the red-light districts. It has now entered the halls of power. These men feel entitled to womanhood. They believe it is theirs for the taking, that they can create us from their own projections. They have been emboldened by legal policies created and financially solidified by other men with the paraphilia of transsexualism (autogynephilia), to publicly perform the sexual objectification, society reserves for women. Make no mistake, performing women’s sexually objectified social status is the paraphilia - not being women, but being men’s sexually objectified projection of women.

The intrusions of these men into the spheres of political and financial power, where they further the undermining of women’s rights, and our ability to resist our colonization, is growing.

The difference between men who attempt to colonize womanhood, and women who appropriate simulacrums of male anatomy, by using medical technology to disguise their sex, is not just the impulse behind the act. Women are running from sexual subjugation and humiliation. Women - especially young women - appropriate, and mime the social, legal, and financial power they do not possess - male power. Men are performing women’s subordination, sexualizing it, and pretending they are the subordinated. Under this ruse, they seek to convince especially women, that they are in fact more oppressed than women, and it’s working. This process of grooming can be likened to Ted Bundy walking around college campuses at night, with an armload of books, asking women for help, as he hobbles and fumbles in the dark with crutches and a fake cast.

Colonization is control of a political area that does not belong to the party doing the colonizing. It is seizure and taking control of an area, culture, or territory - in this case, womanhood. It is large scale political control. Gender ideology both obscures this process and is the doctrine which supports the process. It tells us that what is happening is not happening but is something else entirely. Orwell would be impressed.

Appropriation is different than colonization. It is an act of taking some things from another culture and adopting them, without realizing the context, or realizing but not caring about the context. Colonization is the larger political system that allows for appropriation. Men’s fetish of adopting characteristics of women’s sexual subordination, along with simulacrums of their anatomy, calling themselves women, and being socially, legally, and politically accepted in this acquisition, is the larger political force that compels women to appropriate simulacrums of men’s biology. Miming someone else’s power, is not the same as miming their subordination.

Men performing women’s sexual subordination understand they can stop at any time. Their performance of “being women” is a tourist attraction, while for women, it is our day-to-day reality. Men who colonize womanhood know this. It is part of the kink.

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