The stories of parents caught between the techno-medical complex and their kids sucked into the gender cult have contorted my heart into positions I didn’t know it could stretch, so much have I felt for them. But listening to Youtuber, Karen Davis’s critiques of the parent advocacy group, GenSpect recently and the vitriol she is receiving from parents, I started to notice these organizations are now becoming a hindrance to real political action that might change the landscape for parents and for women whose rights even to name themselves are being rapidly stripped away.
This past week, a mother from another organization of parents, which is umbrellaed under the GenSpect parent group, wrote a piece entitled It's Strategy People!!, in support of GenSpect. The group is called Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT) and is housed on the Substack blogging platform. The piece was a caged memo to feminist activists who have recently been pushing a harder front line that does not capitulate to gender ideology, and specifically putting Karen Davis, critiquing GenSpect and those aligning with her, on notice: Parents would not tolerate dissent from their narrative and the organizations buffering them from the public.
ROGD, an acronym for Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, coined by Lisa Littman, a physician, and scientist, describes an explosive social phenomenon of children presenting with body dysphoria related to their sex. In the past several years many organizations to help parents navigate their children’s ROGD have emerged in various countries.
4th Wave Now, was one of the first organizations for people questioning the medicalization of gender-atypical youth, which was begun by a parent, and attracted other parents of children claiming unique sex identities and seeking severe medical interventions. On its heels, TransgenderTrend, a group of parents, professionals, and academics concerned about the number of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria, formed. Current iterations of these organizations and those finding themselves under the scrutiny of Karen Davis are Gender Dysphoria Alliance and GenSpect.
While these organizations have been helpful in getting information to parents, supporting them when there seemed no place else to turn, they have become, for many of us in the pro-reality movement, an anchor on the necessity of ending the lie that anyone transitions, or that anyone’s body should be treated as experimental fodder for a corporate agenda to colonize human sex.