Peter Tatchell, a renowned gay LGBTQI+ activist, based in the UK, gave a TEDx Talk in 2015, in which he suggested that the broad social acceptance of gay culture within Western societies is paving the way for greater diversity in sexual expression and that this will constitute more enlightened societies. Drawing on the work of 1950s sex researcher Alfred Kinsey, Tatchell stated that the categories gay and straight are not watertight and that bisexuality is growing in popularity. He assures us sexual expression is becoming more fluid, existing on a continuum with gay on one end and straight on the other. Those in the growing middle express an amalgam of different sexual desires and attractions (and, let’s be clear, fetishes based on disconnection, objectification of others, and compulsion).
In his talk, Tatchell outlined a path in which strict cultural attitudes that dictate what he calls “straight supremacy” will be eroded, and in its place will be more crossover between heterosexuality and homosexuality. He implies that most heterosexuals repress their feelings of same-sex attraction. When cultural standards, which he sees as established by “moralists,” are loosened, this will create a less homophobic society that will uproot the need for anyone to assert their LGBT identity. The heteronormativity Tatchell despises is the default sexual expression because it is the evolutionary path of our species' reproduction.
Other wealthy gay men use influential organizations that evolved once the AIDS epidemic was quelled in the USA to deconstruct sexual dimorphism. These organizations were once there to protect their safety and human rights.
Jon Stryker, founder of Arcus Foundation, and his husband, Slobodan Randjelović; Tim Gill of the Gill Foundation; Fabrice Houdart, head of Out Leadership; Todd Sears, founder of Out Leadership; and Mark S. Bonham of the Bonham Centre for Sexuality Studies in Toronto, Canada, are all extremely wealthy gay men institutionalizing gender identity ideology globally with the addition of Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (T+) to the LGB acronym within their LGBT non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The T+ is a trojan horse being used to dismantle sexual dimorphism, which Tatchell comes right out and calls “straight supremacy.”
Though this might seem at cross purposes to their sexual orientations, what is at root is the same efforts to control women’s biology, to profit from women’s biology, and to upend women’s ability to prevent sexual access to children, that other misogynistic men have engaged in for eons. The wealth these men have amassed insulates them and grants them a sense of entitlement to all they desire. There is no pretense of care for women.
In Peter Tatchell's TEDx Talk and in previous public statements, he seems to support sex between grown men and boys. This controversy has followed him like a plague throughout his career. During his talk, he mentions that this is perfectly natural behavior within some Aboriginal tribes while remarking on the coming freedoms available to us all when “straight supremacy” is abolished (He later notes on his website that he unequivocally does not support pedophilia).