This blog post was not on my list of things to do today or any other day. I recently wrote about having a baseline of consistency regarding tactics within the pro-reality movement, fighting against the deconstruction of human sex. I thought I was done. Live and let live. I can make suggestions, but I can’t demand people take on specific strategies.
Something happened this morning (I will get to this later) to make me revisit my last blog post and write this one. I have been going along for months, trying to adjust to my disappointment in some people who call themselves gender-critical or who are part of a movement that has become known as gender critical. Calling actions for reality gender critical is not a good strategy. It was a reaction to the corporate narrative of "gender identity." It was not well thought out. I use pro-reality because reality is what we are standing up for. Some pro-reality activists are supporting individuals, in myriad ways, who objectify human sexual anatomy and treat it like parts they can appropriate for their use with medically devised facsimiles. Even if they are victims of a rapacious system, they do not belong anywhere near the pro-reality movement and those of us at the forefront fighting it - not publicly. We are not missionaries; we are activists.
People calling themselves “trans” are holding onto a system that pro-realists attempt to bring down - an industry that deconstructs reproductive sex for profit. Continuing to platform these individuals, discussing their fetishes, their identity issues, how they got to be where they are, having them speak as representatives of the pro-reality movement, using the corporate dictates of new pronouns, all while the state is stampeding over actual human sex, looks like lunacy (because it is) and it will never help us expose what is happening. It props up a corporate illusion. “Gender identity” is corporate framing. Responding to this frame with an endless discussion about “gender identity” is a losing proposition. Exposing the industry behind it is crucial. Naming reality consistently is vital. WE CAN NOT HAVE reality and hold onto an illusion at the same time. Facts will win in the end, but the damage incurred in the meantime is too ghastly to even think about.
We are now nearly a decade into the war on reality. Though some people are starting to come around to an understanding that the public vilification of women, erasing us in language, taking away our rights, and maiming children, might have more to do with profit than with identity or human rights for the marginalized, most people are not even close to this realization yet. It is our responsibility as activists to get them there. But many of us claiming to resist this corporate coup that is the gender industry are still platforming and publicly supporting people who are living manifestations of it.