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Do Parents Stand a Chance Against the Trans Lobby? Part I

Writer: Jennifer BilekJennifer Bilek

Updated: Oct 16, 2022

Many people think “transgenderism” and “gender identity mythology” are progressive additions to the LGB civil rights movement, this generation's attempts at gender-bending rebellion, or at its least complex, a passing fad. There are, however, many parents organizing against what they understand as something far more sinister, an agenda being driven into schools by states and governments, behind parents' backs. For some parents, an online proponent also functions to prey on their teens, particularly females, adolescent vulnerability around body-image, exacerbated by puberty. These concerted cultural forces can exude the force of a global cult, drawing teenagers into being manipulated with promises of a pharmaceutical and/or surgical fix, causing life-long damage to young bodies. Do parents stand a chance against a powerful Trans lobby indoctrinating kids at every front of the culture?

In 2017, in educational districts throughout the US (along with Europe, Australia, Japan, Canada, etc.), school districts adopted purported “anti-bullying” guidance measures for schools, for the protection of “transgender” students and those adhering to what constitutes a new mythology, “gender identity.” Though anti-bullying seems like a healthy pursuit, we have to ask why these guidelines have been adopted for children and teens who think they were born a different sex, no sex at all, or who don’t conform to the social sex-role stereotypes for their sex.

The Williams Institute, an “LGBT” think tank, estimated in 2016 that only 0.6% of the US population identified as transgender. This was double the estimate they made in 2011. Current forecasts of teenagers identifying as transgender in the US estimate 150,000 or 0.7%, keeping in mind that "transgender" is an umbrella term for a panoply of fetishes, disorders of sexual development, and identities reflecting how young people feel concerning social, sex-role stereotypes. There are currently nearly 14,000 school districts in the US. This would mean there are, on average, between 10 and 11 teenagers identifying as transgender in any given school district.

The prevalence of obesity for children in the US, by comparison, is 18.5% and affects about 13.7 million children and adolescents, rising to 20.6% of ages 12-19 years. This would constitute nearly 1000 teenagers per school district. Bullying is a common experience for many overweight kids and can have a devastating impact on their emotional well-being. Research on the severe emotional and social consequences to obese children is well documented.

Why, then, are “anti-bullying agendas being forced into schools specifically for children and young adults with manufactured sexes, but not for children who are overweight? One would think the larger population afflicted would be attended to first, especially considering how much larger it is. More importantly, if schools were intent on teaching children how hurtful bullying is, it seems logical to address bullying in all its manifestations instead of singling out separate groups of children.

The “anti-bullying” agendas for children identifying as “transgender” have arrived in schools at the same time that newly developed sex-health curriculums for children have been included in courses. The new curriculums include guidance in expressing sexuality versus education about male and female bodies. Sexuality, as it is expressed, is no longer the teaching domain of parents or the discovery of young adults once they pass puberty but has become an agenda forced on young people by the transgender lobby, governments, and states to normalize sexuality as identity, instead of an intrinsic part of oneself and expressed in many ways for many different people.

Curriculums teach children that their biological sex is “assigned” at birth instead of observed. These school programs have been supported by the reading of children’s stories depicting children who feel they are born into the wrong body and showing diagrams to older children that portray sex as a feeling one has inside their minds as they relate to cultural sex stereotypes instead of biological reality. These programs don’t depict a need for respect for other children’s differences so much as they cultivate the idea that body dissociation is usual. Simultaneously, drag queen story hours happening in libraries around the nation, utilizing the fetish play of mostly adult gay men who perform in clubs instill the idea in very young children that they can be the opposite sex if they so choose. Children’s “gender clinics,” euphemistically called “gender expansive clinical programs,” have exploded in the US in the past decade. Children’s “gender camps” have emerged where children are learning that they are ok, even if they were “born in the wrong body.”

Before these methods of indoctrination, coming in under seemingly progressive cover, children did just fine without government interference in their developing sexual lives. Still, now states and governments feel an urgent need to track data about children’s “gender identity.” For what purpose? What is “gender identity,” concretely? And why are governments, states, and institutions undermining sexual dimorphism in language, law, sports, politics, medical care, and crime statistics, and more frighteningly in the minds of children?

See Part II and Part III of “Do Parents Stand a Chance Against the Trans Lobby?”

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