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Do Parents Have a Chance Against the Trans Lobby? Part III

Writer: Jennifer BilekJennifer Bilek

Updated: Oct 16, 2022

In part I and part !! of this blog post, I discussed the new, explicit sex-ed curriculums, storytelling in schools that support the unscientific biology-denying mythology of “gender identity” along with new anti-bullying legislation being introduced to children’s schools to protect children identifying as “trans.”

But, if we're going to talk about bullying, maybe we should start with the Gender Lobby. The Gender Lobby is not just relegated to the Human Rights Campaign but financially supported, aided, and abetted by a cadre of elite billionaire philanthropists and NGOs. These elites have extensive stakes in the medical-industrial complex and are creating medical identities for children. With more and more young adults accessing cross-sex (wrong-sex) hormones, either through their doctors, by self-administering them, through their university campuses, or through family planning services, putting up blow-by-blow YouTube videos to document the surgical manipulation of their secondary sex characteristics and dangerous puberty blockers being given to younger and younger children, medical- technological identities being cultivated out of personality are precisely what we’re looking at. Children’s puberty blockers have a whopping price tag of $95,000.00 a year, eight times the cost of the same medication for adults. Market Watch projects the scope and applications of medical attacks on human sex are growing spectacularly worldwide. Current calculations predict growth will exceed a billion U.S. dollars by 2026. Consider the implications for development when the children now being groomed to dissociate from their sexed bodies grow up!

The Gender Lobby is forcing changes in language and laws that unmoor people from their biological sex. Halting children’s puberty removes them from the process that facilitates full awareness of their sexed bodies. This process of unmooring children and young adults from their sex is a process of capitalist colonization of human biology for profit. Sex as identity opens markets and normalizes infringing on biological boundaries that constitute the very thing that makes us human. We are a sexually dimorphic species. When elites in the Pharma and tech industries, the same who are pushing the trans agenda through schools (see JB Pritzker and clan in Part II, Jon Stryker of Arcus Foundation below, and Tim Gill of Gill Foundation), start rearranging this reality in the minds of children, we should all be frightened and enraged.

One way to ensure body dissociation is through sexual trauma and exposing young children to too much or too explicit sexual material. Drag Queen story hour, with adults dancing and writhing sexually for children, excessive and early exposure to graphic sex education, and cultivating the idea through a story, music, dance, and adult acceptance that sex can be changed at will, are all being pushed into the culture and children’s schools, under threat of financial exile if you do not adhere to Trans Lobby dictates. This is corporate tyranny.

Parents are fighting back by creating support groups, organizing alternatives for addressing the rise of children Identifying as “transgender” in schools, creating organizations that assist children with other options to medical paths, fighting lawsuits on behalf of their children, and seeking judicial review, in America, throughout Europe, Scotland, Australia, and everywhere the gender lobby has its imprint. But it is currently an uphill battle. The gender lobby has built an entire political infrastructure to drive their body-denying mythology into children's minds.

I have written about the Arcus Foundation and its founder Jon Stryker, who funds his “LGBT” NGO from the coffers of his medical corporation worth $17.1 billion. Arcus is the root of all the global programs driving this mythology through schools. They fund ACLU, HRC, PFLAG, GLSEN, Gender Spectrum, OUT for Safe Schools, The National Center for Transgender Equality, and many, many others. Dentons Law Firm, the largest international law firm in the world, and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, funded by one of the wealthiest men in the world, help to create the legal fiction of “transgender children.”

This does not begin and end in the U.S. but is a global movement with many tentacles. The United Nations UNESCO working in tandem with the Counsel of Europe, is furthering the project in Europe, along with other European programs such as ILGA-Europe, LGBT-Youth, and Tie-Campaign in the UK and Scotland. Directives for schools in Portugal, Japan, Australia, Eagle in Canada, along with Trans Equality Canada, are all organizations attempting to normalize body dissociation for students and frame it as progressive under a banner of LGB civil rights. There are too many organizations to list here, but I encourage you to find the ones in your area, organize to expose them, and push back against their dangerous agendas. This is not a civil rights movement but corporate colonization of human biology using LGB and intersex organizations as a trojan horse to drive the agenda. Children are on the front line. We must act to protect them.

See Parts 1 and II of Do Parents Stand a Chance Against the Trans Lobby?

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