Last week I did a deep dive into the bankers behind the leadership of the LGBT agenda. Let’s now take a look at the banks themselves, twisting themselves five ways from Sunday to support the tiny part of the population calling themselves “transgender.”
Again, before we begin this exploration, let's contemplate for a moment, the enormous and rapid, global changes underway in institutions, corporations, stores, governments, schools, medical facilities, women’s organizations, etc. for people avoiding the biological reality of their sexed bodies and how expensive these changes are. Dictionaries are being overhauled, laws are being fought to allow men into women’s sports and safe spaces, young women who’ve elected to have their breasts amputated and who believe they are now and have always been male, are being used in corporate advertising, signaling progress. Corporations, stores, bars, restaurants, and institutions are overhauling their bathrooms and their health insurance policies. Pronouns are being added to everything and a gargantuan global, political infrastructure has been built to drive the normalization of body dissociation. AND, supposedly, this is all happening because governments, politicians, Amnesty International, the ACLU, the UN, and other myriad organizations, care so much about these people with identity issues. Dang, I have a bridge to sell anyone who is buying this nonsense.
But, let’s move on. Banks. Who are the giants making way for .03% of the population?
Last year, Mastercard created the very first credit card for people calling themselves “transgender” and “non-binary,” as if they were some subset of humans and not the males and females they were born as. “True Name” Pride credit card, was the name given to this rollout, which basically allows people to use whatever the hell name they want on their credit cards. I doubt they’re allowing for a change of social security number along with it.
According to Business Statement for “Transgender “ equality, Bank of America, Citi Bank, BNP Paribas, BNY Mellon, Deutsche Bank, Ernst & Young, HSBC, JP Morgan Chase and Co., Morgan Stanley, US Bank, and Visa are just a handful of banks, credit card companies, and investment houses that are all-in for trans, under a banner of “inclusivity and diversity (I&D).” This I&D corporate-speak is being rolled out everywhere and looks a helluva lot like the uniformity of thought and behavior that people are being punished for not abiding by. Citi Bank, Bank of America, and Capital One Banks are all-in supporters of PLFLAG. Rolddy Leyva, Vice President of Global Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging (DIB is a variation on I&D) for Capital One is particularly concerned with black “trans women," who he believes, become targets of hate and violence with appalling regularity, when of course there is no proof of any such thing. According to several reports, the number of men of color pretending to be women killed in the US in 2019 was 20. Twenty men who like to wear dresses and perform femininity, many working as prostitutes, a dangerous experience to begin with, were killed by other men over the course of one year. Let’s put this into perspective. In 2018, there were 238 women killed by male single-offenders in the state of Texas alone, not to mention the other 49 states. Somehow, none of these corporations, stores, restaurants, bars, medical institutions, or banks care about the vulnerability of females. There have been no special workshops to create a safe environment for women at work. No encouragement for employees to be an ally to women, no lacquered placards denoting allyship, and no education to enlighten employees to the fact that women are basically under siege in the US, let alone elsewhere in the world.
Wells Fargo, funding GLAAD, is making it very comfortable for their male employees to pretend to be female.
In 2007 Goldman Sachs added health-insurance coverage for unnecessary genital surgeries on people rearranging their sex markers, as part of a push to attract top talent and recruit and retain a more “diverse” workforce. The surgery alone could cost an individual anywhere from $5,000 to $150,000 if they paid out of pocket, depending on their particular situation. That figure doesn't include hormone and other drug treatments. Goldman Sachs (GS, Fortune 500)' plan covers the actual surgery, as well as “transgender”-related prescription drugs, such as wrong-sex hormone injections. Goldman is not the only financial firm that offers such “benefits.” Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500), Deutsche Bank (DB), and Wachovia (WB, Fortune 500) also offer some level of coverage for brutal, dangerous, and unhealthy sex characteristic rearrangements.
Maeve DuVally, a male managing director at Goldman Sachs with a penchant for black, high-heeled pumps, finds it easy to pretend to be female at work. Sachs has made it not only effortless but surely provided part of the impetus for DuVally to discover his “transness” after attending a meeting last year at the bank. Prior to the meeting in March, DuVally was only comfortable dressing in “women’s clothes” at home. Then, “an invitation went out to the bank’s employees: Goldman’s L.G.B.T. network was hosting a panel on “how to be stronger allies to the transgender and gender non-conforming community.” DuVally showed up to the event, in Goldman’s auditorium, in a wig and makeup, and afterward, he introduced himself to some bank employees. At the November 22nd meeting employees were instructed to stop using pronouns that recognize the average biological, physiological, and psychological distinctions between men and women, and included a video and complex instructions on the new order of business.
“DuVally found the event encouraging. One co-worker, who watched it remotely from London, took copious notes and emailed them to the communications group afterward. Everyone who attended received laminated cards explaining correct pronoun usage. DuVally realized, he said, that it was time to come out as “transgender” at Goldman.” He went on to “come out” on various international talk shows and news platforms as well.
Goldman has also begun an initiative to update its bank's internal directory to allow employees to designate their preferred pronouns.
Barclays has long been leading the charge on LGBT+ rights in the workplace. The bank was the headline sponsor at Pride 2018 around the world. Head of Region for Home Solutions West at Barclays, Amy Stanning, another male pretending to be a female, has been made quite comfortable at work too.
Aside from the obvious cognitive dissonance of these corporate D&I programs which in part seek to balance out sex-based inequality on their staff, but then hire men that can then be counted as women, there is the curious massive corporate interest for .03% of the population pretending to be the opposite sex or to not have a sex. At least, this should make people curious, and yet if they are, they aren’t talking. It almost seems as if these corporations are expecting a lot more people to identify as something they are not.
Let us not lose sight of the powerful lunatic behind this façade of inclusivity and his agenda. Martine Rothblatt, the founding father of the transgender empire, headed a luncheon with Beth Brooke-Marciniak in 2016 to celebrate LGBT OutWOMEN Business Leadership. Brooke-Marciniak, head of public policy at Ernst & Young and Co-Chair for Partnership for Global LGBTIQ+ Equality, was voted one of the most powerful women in the world ten times. Rothblatt is a transhumanist that supports corporate I&D events while simultaneously promoting the idea that transgender is an onramp to transhumanism at other events, events funded by Arcus Foundation, the most powerful LGBT NGO in the world. “The re-creation of the human body has already begun,” Rothblatt tells us.
It would make far more sense that these D&I policies purportedly for .03% of the population, are in actuality for the generation of biologically augmented humans bound to follow the corporate normalization of body dissociation for profit.
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