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Interview with Jennifer Bilek - The Transgender Agenda

By Unbekoming

I’ve been following Jennifer Bilek’s reporting on the Transgender Agenda for the last year.

In my opinion, she is doing the best investigative journalism, in the world, on the top-down nature of this society deforming “input” and “normalization”.

What we don’t understand is the scale of money behind this push, and the individuals controlling this weaponized capital. These are questions that go to the heart of Jennifer’s work.

This interview with Jennifer, is a 12th addition to a series on this issue, but is such a meta-view of the subject that it sits at the top of everything I’ve written and produced so far.

You cannot really understand any of it without understanding the will and intent behind the tsunami of money making it happen.

With thanks to Jennifer Bilek, whose work I would encourage you to follow and support.


1. Jennifer, can you please tell us a bit about your background and the journey that led you to become an investigative journalist focusing on the intersection of capitalism, technology, and gender identity?

I am an investigative journalist with a background in political activism, and art. I have campaigned for women’s rights since my twenties, and later became involved in campaigns for the health of the environment.

I grew my sea legs as a journalist during the Occupy Wall Street movement. Another artist, and friend, who knew I was a writer, asked me to do some reporting to coincide with her photojournalism of the encampment at Wall street in NYC, where I live. It was an electric moment, with the public on all sides of the political arena, speaking with each other about the financial abuses ruining our country. The movement, though energized, was not very organized and proved unstable. After the raid on the camps, to shut them down, activist circles seemed to take on a rather McCarthyist pursuit of wrong speech. This was particularly apparent regarding the issue of gender ideology, which was just coming to the fore. Suddenly, there were “trans” people everywhere and no one could discuss this with even a hint of critique without setting themselves up for a storm of cancellation, deplatforming, public ridicule, censorship of their books and articles, etc.

In America we have a purported constitutional right to free speech, which had been under assault for some years but was ramping up significantly and I wanted to know why this was happening around this issue, especially since the right to speak about womanhood and women’s rights were under assault by this ideology.

Billionaires and Foundations Driving the "Transgender" Agenda:

2. In your research, you've uncovered how billionaires and their foundations, such as Jon Stryker's Arcus Foundation and Jennifer Pritzker's Tawani Foundation, are driving the "transgender" agenda. Why do you think these wealthy individuals are investing so heavily in this issue?

My research indicates that gender ideology has been initiated by wealthy, influential individuals, families, and banks, invested in the medical-tech industry, to create malleability in the next generation, grooming their adjustment to advancing developments in technological reproduction and thinking of themselves as parts for this industry: breasts, penises, cervixes, wombs, vaginas, hormones, chromosomes, genes, sperm, eggs, instead of whole, integrated, biological systems, conditioning them to see their sexed realities as commodities.

3. How have these foundations managed to influence policy, medical institutions, and cultural narratives around gender identity?

Most people don’t realize how big, Big Pharma is, and that it is a global system. It is estimated by some to be bigger than the military. Big Pharma and Big Tech are operating this agenda and using the LGB human rights movement as both a cover and the site at which technology is usurping reproduction and human sexuality. LGBs and those being sterilized in the name of gender ideology, are now housed under a human rights umbrella, and create a marketing constituency for technological reproduction. The largest LGBT NGOs, founded by billionaires in the medical-tech industries, have each pumped a half a billion dollars into smaller LGBT NGOs, and our institutions, to cultivate their acceptance of this ideology. They have helped attach this ideology of body dissociation as progressive to an already secured legal framework which brought us same sex marriage and have cultivated massive philanthropic funding for it. Then we have the Human Rights Campaign, which is funded by everyone invested in this agenda. It works similarly to other ESG, and DEI agendas, but specifically to control the narrative regarding human sexuality and reproductive sex. The LGBT marketing constituency is about $4T. This is an enormous amount of capital to use, holding other corporations as hostage. If a company won’t adhere to gender ideology, then they will be left out in the cold financially. All the tech and pharma giants add additional backing as we saw in 2014 when North Carolina wanted to hold onto their sex segregated public bathrooms and respect for boys and girls in public schools. The big tech companies all signed an amicus brief aimed at the state to threaten withdrawal of their capital if NC did not adhere to the new dictates.

Big Pharma and the Medical Industry:

4. You've written extensively about the connections between the pharmaceutical industry, medical corporations, and the promotion of "gender-affirming care." Can you explain how these entities are profiting from the medicalization of gender identity?

This is uncomplicated. The revenue streams on surgeries have skyrocketed since promoting them. Market research for the surgeries that assault human reproductive systems show exponential growth since they’ve been promoted. Global Market Insights’ statistics state that the market nearly doubled in 2022 from $319M in 2020, to $623M in 2022. They project profits of $1.9B for the medical-tech industry by 2032. In 2023, Market Watch provided a vastly different report by Future Wise Research, another market research platform. Both companies are supported by the Better Business Bureau. Future Wise reports revenue streams of $30B by 2028 for the MIC, for these same surgeries. Regardless of which research platform is correct, both report that synthetic sex surgeries market growth is attributed to favorable government policies. Other key factors include, accessibility, and availability to synthetic sex surgery centers (“gender clinics”), and the rise of awareness worldwide of the surgeries. None of these estimates consider the cost of puberty blockers, wrong sex synthetic hormones for life, research, training for special surgeries, complications from the surgeries and drugs, long term damage, or supplemental surgeries often sought by those who become addicted to passing as the opposite sex, etc. Pertaining to business, the famous line in the movie, Field of Dreams, where Kevin Costner’s character says, “if you build it, they will come,” are words to live by. If you build the structures for a cultural phenomenon whereby people dissociate from their sexed reality, and then promote it with the greatest marketing apparatus the world has ever known, of course they will come.

5. In your opinion, what are the potential long-term consequences of medicalizing children's natural puberty and promoting surgical interventions for gender dysphoria?

We have known about the harms of puberty blockers and these surgeries since the 1970s. It is the reason, Johns Hopkins hospital, the first to perform these medical assaults on healthy reproductive anatomy, closed its doors in 1979 finding the surgeries to be unsuccessful and dangerous to the mental health of those who had them. We are also aware from studies of people who have taken the drugs, for other reasons, that they cause all sorts of physical complications from acne, swelling of the limbs, depression and headaches, to bone loss, blood clots, breathing disorders, swelling of the brain, and vaginal bleeding and atrophy. When we stop the puberty of children, we are also arresting their development. But all this pales in comparison to the massive lie being sold to children about reality and what this does to their ability to trust reality, and their own senses.

The Role of Big Tech and Media:

6. How have big tech companies and media conglomerates contributed to the rapid spread of gender identity ideology?

This subject deserves its own book. I mentioned earlier that most people don’t realize how big Big Pharma and Big Tech are, but they are even less aware of how these systems interface with the media. Most people think, when they go to a platform to read a story, they are reading those platforms diverse ideas and reporting. This could not be further from the truth. In the mainstream media, there is no such thing as individual platforms reporting individually. Mainstream media consists of huge media conglomerates that interface with the medical tech industry. Let’s examine Disney for instance. Someone might read about a story in National Geographic, owned by Disney. Disney is a massive, world-wide, multi-media conglomerate, worth $140 billion, not just a theme park. They own hundreds of media platforms, including 50% equity in three platforms shared with Hearst Corporation, another mass media conglomerate marketing gender ideology (synthetic sex identities). Disney committed more than $100 million in 2018 to fund children’s hospitals across the U.S. and the world. Several of these at least have gender clinics, including Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, which opened a couple of years after Disney’s donation; Blank Children’s Hospital in Des Moines, Iowa; Texas Children’s Hospital, with various branches throughout the United States; and Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. Disney has funded an online medical portal offering gender services in many locations in the U.S., including Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Florida. Disney promotes the same message at National Geographic as it does on their other platforms - messages that support their investments in the gender industry.

7. You've faced censorship for critiquing this ideology. Why do you think there's such a concerted effort to silence dissenting voices on this issue?

Profit and power. It really is that simple. Anyone interfering with the huge profits to be made in augmenting humanity, from the technological reproduction market which projects revenues of $66B by 2032, to other invasive technologies like gene editing, and inserting AI under the skin, which gender ideology is grooming people for, must be shut down. Silicon Valley, predicting our merging with technology, since the 1990s are promoting the idea that they are creating god with their tech. Yuval Harari, Martine Rothblatt, Elon Musk, and others are not hiding their pursuits or the developments towards their predicted ends. They want to change our species and our societies, to accommodate advanced technologies which will dissociate us from the natural living world and create a roboticized, virtual existence which they see as superior.

The Erasure of Women's Rights:

8. One of the concerning trends you've highlighted is the erasure of women's rights in language and law. Can you give some examples of how this is happening and what the implications are for women?

More importantly is the erasure of womanhood in material reality, which the laws and language erasure are helping to solidify. The goal is for the medical-tech industry to usurp the female power to gestate the species with technology. This is an attempt to erase us in material reality. Women have the lion’s share of reproductive responsibility. Reproductive sex is being deconstructed for the market: eggs, cervixes, hormones, breasts, wombs, etc. It is why women are being reduced to terms like chest feeders, birthing bodies, cervix havers, etc. This is a literal deconstruction in material reality as well as in law and language. Young women are also the cohort of individuals now most likely to have their genitalia and internal organs medically assaulted, or deconstructed, for this agenda.

The celebration of this atrocity of medically assaulting women’s reproductive systems, along with the porn industry which sexually humiliates us, is a corrosive and traumatizing system of hatred directed at our bodies. Women will continue to be impacted by this hatred, and self-harm, in more extreme ways moving forward. Young women today are under siege.

9. How do you think the concept of "gender identity" is being used to undermine women's sex-based rights and protections?

Gender ideology, an ideology of dissociation from sexed reality, undermines womanhood first, before it undermines women’s rights. The first man to put on a dress and be socially celebrated for parading himself around as a woman, was the first violation. Without the immense disrespect for women already petrified in the culture, via two generations of the porn industry, this ideology could not have proliferated so rapidly or widely. The porn industry beginning with the first issue of Playboy Magazine (1953), that happened within a year of the first man in America being celebrated for appropriating synthetic simulacrums of women’s biology reduced to commodities (1952), brought the sexual humiliation and commodification of women on a grand scale, into every house. When men began the colonization of womanhood through the creation of synthetic simulacrums of our wholly sexed humanity, any respect for our existence as people was already so completely undermined, that laws passing to justify this were more like planting a flag denoting the conquering, after having stolen the land. Of course, the laws undermining our sex-based rights passing from country to country now, are solidifying the impossibility of our resistance to this colonization. If we do not exist in language and law, how can we fight for the integrity of our humanity?

Transhumanism and the Future of Humanity:

10. You've drawn connections between the push for "transgender rights" and the transhumanist movement. Can you explain what transhumanism is and how it relates to the deconstruction of biological sex?

Transhumanism, like gender ideology, promotes the belief that humans can evolve beyond their current physical limitations, especially by means of science and technology. The term transhumanism was coined by Julian Huxley, an English philosopher and biologist, and a prominent member of the British Eugenics Society. Julian was the brother of the novelist Aldous Huxley who wrote “Brave New World,” which presaged many of the reproductive and other technologies we have developed. Transhumanism advocates the use of current and emerging technologies—such as genetic engineering, cryonics, artificial intelligence (AI), and nanotechnology—to augment human capabilities and “improve” the human condition. Transhumanists envision a future in which the responsible application of such technologies enables humans to slow, reverse, or eliminate the aging process, to achieve corresponding increases in human life spans, and to enhance human cognitive and sensory capacities. The movement proposes that humans with augmented capabilities will evolve into an enhanced species that transcends humanity—into a posthuman future. Eugenics hasn’t really gone anywhere, it has gotten a facelift in the gender ideology movement, except people don’t understand what they’re looking at because it is wearing the garb of human rights. Children being sterilized under a guise of medical care are predominantly autistic, and those with other mental health issues. Young gay and lesbian people are also being captured in this eugenics atrocity. Both ideologies are grooming people, especially youth, to think of themselves as parts, commodities for the market, instead of whole biological systems attached to the rest of the biological world. These ideologies groom us toward greater dependence on tech and alienation from the living world that we are part of, or should be in mutuality with.

11. Some of the key figures you've written about, like Martine Rothblatt, envision a future where humans transcend biology and merge with technology. How do you think this vision ties into the current gender identity narrative?

Grown men, in powerful positions in society, promoting the idea that they and other men can be women if they say they are, are investing in the future of reproductive technologies, and using cold, hard cash to threaten societies into conforming to the disembodiment narrative of gender ideology. The Human Rights Campaign is one such organization that works like other ESG and DEI systems, to monitor corporations and organizational acceptance of the ideology. The LGBT consumerist constituency is worth over $4T. Anyone who will not conform to the dictates of gender ideology, will be left out in the financial cold. Again, the ideology is a political grooming apparatus to estrange society from biological reality (more so than they are already) and get them to accept the new technological developments readily - especially children.

The Left's Embrace of Gender Ideology:

12. Many on the left have embraced gender identity as a civil rights cause, often without questioning the corporate interests behind it. Why do you think this has happened, and what would you say to those who view critiquing gender ideology as a right-wing position?

This is the result of corporate marketing of the ideology as progressive. In a stroke of political genius, those in power driving the ideology, have harnessed the concern for LGBs to weaponize against society. Part of this was by design, but part of it was also just a marketing evolution. Mega corporations must open markets under capitalism if they want to grow. If I’m selling make-up and I am only selling 4 colors, when the next make-up company is selling 10 colors, they are going to sell more make-up, so companies must expand or wither on the vine. LGB became a marketing constituency after the AIDS crisis. Suddenly there were gay cruises, banks, bookstores, cafés, lawyers, and towns. But, if you only have a sexually dimorphic species, then you can’t open your markets in what became, a sexual identity under corporatism. Gender identity - breaking the boundary between male and female opens the market in sexual identity. Through the AIDS crisis, the medical industry became involved in this constituency, and they never left. They were making serious money on AIDS drugs. When the epidemic was brought under control, it was a huge loss. Enter transsexualism, rebranded for the youth and it’s a new marketing bonanza.

Grassroots Resistance:

13. Despite the immense power and influence of the forces pushing gender ideology, we're starting to see more grassroots resistance. What are some of the most encouraging developments you've seen on this front?

I’m not particularly encouraged yet, though I understand that some people are. Certainly, various European countries denouncing drugs and surgeries for people under 18 is a good step, but if the ideology of remaking the human species remains intact, we’re all at risk. We cannot keep focusing on fulfilling individual desires at the level of violating human biology and ignoring the eugenics at play in these practices. The biological environment, of which we are an intrinsic part, is not something to dissect, cut into parts, and remold for our own gratification. It is a system that brings the greatest gifts to those who respect it. We must divest from tech and reinvest in the natural world, or we are just forestalling our inevitable destruction.

14. What advice would you give to parents, detransitioners, and others who are speaking out against the harm caused by gender identity ideology?

I just read a gorgeous tweet this morning, which I bookmarked, by the journalist, Abigail Shrier. She wrote: “ What kids actually need: Less therapy, less tech, less diagnosis. More time outside, exercise, independence, genuine freedom, more time with each other. Higher expectations for their conduct and achievement. And a focus on something other than their emotions!” I could not put this better myself. These things are essential to a healthy childhood, and a healthy existence for adults. But alas, we are addicted to technology, and distracted by entertainment and propaganda. As I said, I am not encouraged that we can pull out of this. I write because I hope I am wrong.


15. What are you currently focusing on in your work, and how can people stay informed about your ongoing research and analysis?

I will continue to help connect the dots for people between transsexualism, and transhumanism. If we are to develop any successful strategies, we must understand what we are looking at. Since this is an absolute, global juggernaut, I don’t foresee that I will be running out of things to write about anytime soon. Currently the largest organization developed to fight gender ideology recreates the problem of the LGBT NGOs that are driving the ideology. Genspect, a new type of LGBT NGO, one that purportedly resists gender ideology, but uses all the same language, obfuscations, and medical identities, traps people in the belief that young people are experiencing a medical problem when their problem is one of indoctrination.

I write at my blog, the 11th hour and my substack:

I often host others who are writing and speaking out about the issue from a broader perspective than is happening generally in the culture presently. My book: Transsexual, Transgender, Transhuman/Dispatches from the 11th Hour, will be published soon by Spinifex Press. It is a compilation of my articles and blog posts over the past decade, covering the connection between these intersecting ideologies and the harms they are causing us.

More writing by UNBEKOMING can be found on Substack



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